Silent Sunday

| April 7, 2013

Silent Sunday


Category: Photography

Comments (13)

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  1. Sonya Cisco says:

    what a fabulous sculpture! So action packed!

  2. Notmyyearoff says:

    Fab sculpture, great lighting too!

  3. Helen says:

    Love the lighting and the clouds in this photo

  4. Rachel says:

    Lovely sculpture and love the lighting.

  5. What a wonderful sculpture – where is it?

    • Lydia says:

      It’s called ‘Girl with a Dolphin’ and is by the River Thames near St Katherine Docks marina. Very close to Tower Bridge and the Tower of London.

  6. I think I’ve seen a similar one called ‘Boy with a dolphin’ but that is such an impressive photo. Nice shot!

  7. wendy says:

    this is beautiful xx

  8. Jaime Oliver says:

    thats beautiful x