Meeting Baby Amber

| January 12, 2013

To ensure the household was no longer contagious we had to wait an excruciating eight days before we could safely see my sister Alicia and meet her beautiful baby Amber.

It’s been five years since Alicia and I were last together and in that time we’ve both been pregnant and had our beautiful daughters. There’s eight months between Imogen and Amber and it’s great having them so close in age. Plus we get to share parenting dilemmas and tips!

We couldn’t believe how well Imogen and Amber got on. From the very beginning they took a shine to one another and it wasn’t long before they were giggling and sharing toys.

Baby Cousins

Imogen and Amber meet for the first time

Imogen had been talking about ‘Baby Amber’ for a long time before our journey to New Zealand and she was so excited about meeting her cousin.

Imogen and Amber 'walking' on their knees!

Imogen imitates Amber ‘walking’ on her knees

One of the most amazing thing to observe between them was how they imitated one another. Amber wanted to wear shoes because Imogen was, this had proved a struggle prior to this day with her little toes curling each time my sister tried to gently slip on some shoes. And Imogen decided she’d drink a bottle of milk, something she’s never done before as she went from being breastfed to sippy cup, but seeing Amber being given a bottle by Alicia looked new and very exciting!

Happily playing together

Baby cousins happily playing together

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  1. The Photo Gallery: Bond - Only Best For Baby : Only Best For Baby | January 30, 2013
  1. This is just like my friend and I, who had our babies 7 months apart – we have almost identical photos! Very cute 🙂

  2. Lydia says:

    How gorgeous! It’s such a lovely age gap. Are the photos of your baby and your friend’s baby on your blog? Will pop over again and have a look! x

  3. Olivia says:

    So cute!