Silent Sunday

| February 24, 2013

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

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Category: Photography

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  1. Miss_Biggun says:

    Great picture. Wasn’t she even a tiny bit scared?

  2. Kara says:

    Can’t believe she is staring at them – brave girl!!

  3. Jess says:

    That has creased me up – totally creased me up!What do you think she is thinking!

  4. Erica says:

    Wow amazing (and rather scary).

  5. Alicia Flynn says:

    Brave girl – they give me the heebie jeebies!!

  6. Emma says:

    Brilliant picture. Can’t believe she wasn’t scared by them! 🙂

  7. PhotoMummy says:

    Wow! They are huge-and scary! Was she scared?

  8. Misty says:

    She’s a very brave girl! Not sure even I’d have got that close!

  9. This photo put a big smile on my face. Seems like they are talking to each other! 🙂 x

  10. Countryidyll says:

    Oh, this picture is great fun! Bless her.. entranced. Wonderful, thanks.

  11. I would be scared of them, I love the fearlessness of children xxx

  12. She looks so tiny in comparison – not sure I would have got that close. Brilliant shot, well done.

  13. JallieDaddy says:

    Great photo – The Hobbit, I presume?