Baby Passport Photos

| March 5, 2013

When we were in New Zealand I took Imogen to a shop to have some photos taken for her New Zealand passport application.

Alas, the cameraman didn’t even get as close as clicking the camera’s button. Imogen didn’t want to stay still for a second. He kindly told me I could take some mugshots of my toddler at home and he would let me know if they’d do for a New Zealand passport.

The rules for baby and toddler passport photos seem to be much stricter in New Zealand. Babies cannot have their eyes closed and he clearly stated (looking at Imogen) that any ‘frizzy or loose’ hair must be tied away from the face.

Keeping Imogen’s eyes open isn’t a problem now she’s a toddler and alert 24/7 (or so it feels like it). But tying her hair back is tricky and getting her to look perfectly straight ahead at the camera is nigh on impossible. Her hair still isn’t quite long enough to tie back without clipping the shorter strands at the sides. So trying to get a hair tie in and then clipping the sides of her hair back meant I literally had three seconds to snap away before she pulled the ponytail out and ran out of the room… giggling loudly as I chased her down the hallway!

As these photos show, this is why you shouldn’t try and take baby passport photos…


Come on, just give up Mummy!

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