Silent Sunday

| April 21, 2013

silent sunday

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Category: Photography

Comments (24)

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  1. Adorable! Has poor Mummy lost her sunglasses then?!

  2. I love everything about this picture – the two sets of sunglasses, Daddy already halfway out of the picture, the blue sky AND the scenery.Fabulous.

  3. Love the shades, Canary wharf in the background? Could be somewhere much more exotic with that blue sky.

  4. Kelly Wiffin says:

    Lovely photo! Looks lovely weather too!

  5. Sonya Cisco says:

    Fabulous! She looks so cool, and gorgeous skyline behind them too!

  6. I thought you were inAmerica! What a great photo 🙂 x

  7. Jacq says:

    Sunglasses and a woolly hat. Where else could you be but London?

  8. Looking very cool there!

  9. Rocking the shades ;)on a lovely sunny day with a great backdrop!

  10. manycoloured says:

    What a great shot, loving the reflection!

  11. there are so many great things about this pic, that hat, those shades and you in the reflection of dad’s glasses, Fab shot!

  12. Lovely picture. Like a mini film star.

  13. Very cool kid. 😀

  14. After seeing this photo on your post yesterday, I am so pleased to see it as your Silent Sunday too – one to treasure 🙂 x

  15. Helen says:

    A lovely family day out in the lovely sunshine!! Perfect!

  16. My Two Mums says:

    Love the cool shades!