Silent Sunday

| May 12, 2013

silent sunday

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Category: Photography

Comments (16)

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  1. Notmyyearoff says:

    She looks so cute running, lovely photo!

  2. That’s a very happy face! Obviously emjoying the beach 🙂

  3. wendy says:

    aww really lovely photo xx

  4. Helen says:

    Can’t wait until we can eventually go to the beach without having to wrap up warm! Looks like she can’t wait either!

  5. Thisdayilove says:

    A very happy photo

  6. HPMcQ says:

    whey hey it’s time for the beach! what a happy happy face x

  7. Kel says:

    One determined little explorer!! great photo!

  8. Sarahmumof3 says:

    yay for the beach, love this shot!

  9. HonestMum says:

    What a sweetie, love how you’ve captured such a happy, explorative moment!

  10. She looks like she’s on a mission!

  11. That’s one happy child!

  12. Someone looks delighted to be on the beach! Gorgeous

  13. Jaime Oliver says:

    what great shot and fantastic smile. x

  14. Scottish Mum says:

    What a lovely picture.

  15. Kim Carberry says:

    Such a lovely pic! Made me smile 🙂