Sunday Magic Moments

| July 8, 2013

I love Sundays. It’s our family day and time to relax and simply be together.

Imogen first thing in the morning with a very cheeky face ready for a day full of fun.

magic moments

Time for a special treat after lunch, a yummy ice cream which was eaten very carefully.

magic moments

magic moments

A tired little girl after splashing in her paddling pool, napping on Mummy and Daddy’s bed.


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  1. Hee hee, gorgeous pix. Little girls and their ice creams eh!!

  2. simone says:

    Hello 🙂

    Your daughter is absolutely beautiful, that last photo is stunning!

    So lovely to meet you on Saturday, it was a very nice – and very hot – afternoon, wasn’t it?!

    Hope to see you again soon,
    Simone Xx

    • Lydia says:

      Hi Simone, thank you!

      Did you enjoy the smashing tennis final yesterday? 😉

      Lovely to meet you on Saturday and look forward to catching up over coffee very soon.

      P.S. I’ve added the badge to your amazing blog in my sidebar.


  3. Jaime Oliver says:

    awww i love days like this too! i do love her cheeky little grin!

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments