Silent Sunday

| September 15, 2013

silent sunday

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Category: Photography

Comments (26)

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  1. Notmyyearoff says:

    Very cost effective way of travelling! 🙂

  2. Charly Dove says:

    So gorgeous! Have a wonderful time 🙂

  3. ClearlyBex says:

    HERE I AM MUMMY!!!!!!!!! hehe, love it!

  4. Pinkoddy says:

    Did she think she was being left at home?

  5. Looks like she was going to make sure she went on the trip no matter what.

  6. Have you got room in your suitcase for a small one? Lol

  7. AtoZ Mummy says:

    Haha, love it! Did you get the lid down in the end?

  8. Bless, it looks like somebody doesn’t want to get left behind!

  9. Take me too mummy! Very cute 🙂

  10. Well they do say pack the essentials!

  11. Jaime Oliver says:

    now thats one way to go on holiday lol x

  12. Emily says:

    Hehe, hope you didn’t have a child free weekend planned 😉 xx