Silent Sunday

| October 20, 2013

silent sunday

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Category: Photography

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  1. That’s a very deep puddle.

  2. Kelly Wiffin says:

    Cute! Puddles are such fun aren’t they!

  3. clearlybex says:

    So much fun to be had in a puddle!

  4. What a gorgeous little face. Brilliant reflection.

  5. EssexKate says:

    I love the reflection, I love the ankle deep in puddleness, love the picture

  6. Amanda says:

    So cute, and the kind of puddle that could be ridiculously deep!

  7. That’s a lovely picture…and it sounds like you didn’t even get wet:Result.

  8. Ah – so sweet! The reflection’s perfectly captured, too.

  9. Jaime Oliver says:

    gosh thats a puddle and a half!

  10. Love the pic, great fun to be had splashing in puddles 🙂

  11. Joanne says:

    Nothing beats a good puddle! Lovely picture.

  12. wendy says:

    awww lovely photo, that is a deep puddle xx

  13. great picture. all the puddle splashing has been great this last week hasnt it :))

  14. Muma Dean says:

    Great shot! love the reflection.

  15. Charly Dove says:

    Help me!!! Adorable photo – hope she didn’t fall after this was taken, she’s got such a gorgeous outfit on!

  16. Kim Carberry says:

    Aww Muddy puddles!! Fantastic x

  17. omg she is adorable, so cute. That is one massive puddle

  18. Muddy puddles are so much fun!

    Thank goodness for wellies though

    Laura x x

  19. Oana79 says:

    Oooh, she looks fearless in that puddle 🙂

  20. Splashing in puddles, just the best!

  21. RachJ says:

    Wonderful shot! Love the reflection. Must get myself some wellies!

  22. Cute photo! Muddy puddles are such fun 🙂

  23. A very brave little puddler! Such a sweet outfit.

  24. Your shot perfectly sums up the time of year and your little fashionista looks so adorable!