Silent Sunday

| November 10, 2013

silent sunday

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Category: Photography

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  1. Amanda says:

    Fab shot, love the reflection of her coat

  2. Sarah says:

    Great capture of a lovely look of concentration!

  3. Helen says:

    What a super photo. Love the reflection of the polka dots – looks very magical.

  4. Brilliant photo! Love the look of concentration

    x x x

  5. Jo Laybourn says:

    She looks like she is concentrating so much. Gorgeous little lady! x

  6. Charly Dove says:

    Gorgeous photo of Imogen, love the look on her face. Hope you had fun 🙂

  7. wendy says:

    lovely photo xx

  8. dadwhoblogs says:

    Love how her coat reflects.

  9. She is a stunner 🙂 X

  10. LauraCYMFT says:

    Love the reflection of her jacket!

  11. I love the concentration on her face, lovely photo x

  12. Oh that’s a lovely shot with the light behind her and the pink reflections…and the sweet look of concentration.

  13. Jaime Oliver says:

    What a beautiful shot x

  14. Lesley Ann says:

    Aw exploring a tunnel! Lovely

  15. How sweet – she looks transfixed by the reflection of her coat.

  16. Oh, that’s a great shot – the lighting, her expression, lovely!

  17. A lovely photo, with the reflections. She looks so sweet x

  18. Kim Carberry says:

    Aww! Lovely photo!

  19. Kim Carberry says:

    Aww! Lovely photo x

  20. I wonder if she is concentrating on what she’s doing or staring at her pretty reflection! Lovely shot

  21. RachJ says:

    Ahhh, that’s a lovely shot! Reflections of her coat and a reflective look on her face – very clever! x