
| November 10, 2013

Sundays are my favourite day of the week. No one is rushing off to work, we have the whole day together as a family. This morning we were playing chase in the park, which always involves intense giggling! We stopped for a breath and Daddy caught the moment.


Linking up with the lovely Mummy Daddy Me and sharing the ordinary moments.

the ordinary moments

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Category: Blog, Photography

Comments (15)

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  1. Kim Carberry says:

    I love Sundays too!
    Lovely photo x

  2. How lovely, we had the first lazy weekend in forever and we just needed the time to recharge and sort out little jobs that have been put off! Lovely to find your blog #whatsthestory xx

  3. Mummy Morkus says:

    I love Sundays just the three of us. My favourite time of the week. We spent the day in the park and wondering round the village. It was ordinary and lovely!


  4. Charly Dove says:

    What a wonderful photo! Looks like you two were having a great time running about in the sunshine. Thank you so much for sharing with #whatsthestory

  5. LauraCYMFT says:

    Such a lovely photo. I love Sundays too!

  6. Lovely photo, such a happy moment x #WhatstheStory

  7. What a gorgeous photo, I love it when you capture the moments where there is such obvious affection between you. Sunday’s are my favourite days too. x

  8. Alison says:

    What a lovely picture, so nice to catch the moment

  9. Laura says:

    Lovely photo and blog.

    Laura x

  10. Charlotte says:

    Lovely photo! x