Category: Activity & Play
Dressing Up in Fairy Wings
I simply couldn’t resist these fairy wings when I saw them. As soon as Imogen spied them it was love at first sight and she was dressing up in fairy wings with her purple wellies.
Toddlers and children have great fun dressing up and role playing. It encourages children to use their imaginations, develop vocabulary skills and build confidence.
Often your children have the most fun dressing up when they’re making use of clothes and items you already have in your home. Check your wardrobe and cupboards for:
- towels and sheets (these make great capes)
- a plastic colander (can become a helmet)
- belts
- scarves
- shawls
- gloves of all lengths
- old bags
- aprons
- tutus
- dance costumes
- hats
- glasses with the lenses removed
- costume jewellery (make sure it’s safe for the age of your child)
There’s no end to what your toddler or child can dress up in and pretend to be so update and add new items to your child’s dressing up box as often as you like.
If you’re looking for fairy wings for your toddler to play dress up in there’s a beautiful set including a Tutu, Butterfly Wings and a Wand at John Lewis.
What does your toddler enjoy dressing up in?
Personalised Teddy Bear… 6 Months On
Imogen’s favourite toy is her personalised Teddy Bear from Stuck On You. It’s the kind of teddy bear that a baby won’t let out of their sight and there are tears if Teddy Bear is lost.
Teddy Bear has been a daily part of Imogen’s life for six months, ever since she first arrived on our doorstep in a cardboard box. I wonder if Teddy Bear realised what was in store for her when she became Imogen’s very own treasured and loved teddy bear?
Here’s what Teddy Bear didn’t know:
- If she’s not being hugged by Imogen during the night she’ll be used as a pillow
- She’ll be dropped in puddles when the excitement of puddle jumping becomes too much and holding a teddy bear limits the amount of splashing that can be achieved
- She’ll fly on a plane across the world on our journey to New Zealand and need a very good wash when we arrive in NZ
- She’ll be taken on daily walks in the pushchair to visit parks across London where she’ll play on swings, slides and seesaws
Two weeks ago Teddy Bear got a new name. Her name is now Charley, which conjures up thoughts of fun and mischievousness. I like the name Charley, it’s the perfect name for a bear who’s having one big adventure.
Charley’s been to many places, seen many things and has much exploring to do with her besotted owner.