Tag: great outdoors
Holiday in Orford
In July 2012 we went to our favourite holiday destination in the UK, Orford in Suffolk.
Imogen was 16 months old and enjoyed playing in the garden. Her love of nature is nurtured daily as we continue to explore the great outdoors.
Her beautiful expressions have not changed and I love looking back on these photographs. What precious memories we have of our daughter as a baby.
Linking up with the lovely bloggers at What’s the Story? and Magic Moments.
Orford Countryside
There’s nothing better than jumping in muddy puddles, especially when Imogen has chosen the clothes she wants to wear which include a skirt that got soaked in water!
Exploring the fields in the surrounding Orford countryside.
Discovering a row of hay bales, perfect for climbing on…
Finding a small branch of green leaves under a large tree.
It’s the simple things in life that bring so much pleasure. We just love being surrounded by nature and getting out into the great outdoors. And then cosying up back at home.