Tag: horse
Mudchute Farm
The weather has been beautiful and sunny for a couple of days this week so Imogen and I took the opportunity to go to our local London City Farm. Mudchute Farm is a located on the Isle of Dogs and it has an incredible 32 acres of countryside.
Mudchute Farm feels so removed from London and yet you can see the skyscrapers of Canary Wharf. I love the freedom it gives families and children with the ability to run around in a farm setting as well as being able to see, touch and feed the farm animals.
Getting close to the donkey and horse who soon after this photo came up to say hello.
Canary Wharf skyscrapers just over the hill always give the farm such a surreal feeling.
Look what we’ve found! Perfect muddy puddles for jumping in.
The goats are adorable, they’re so friendly and come up to the fence so you can stroke their soft noses. We took some lettuce for Imogen to feed them and she found it hilarious when their mouths opened and they took the lettuce from her hand!
A rooster says a very loud ‘cockadoodledoo’ to me for taking a photograph of him. To which Imogen said ‘Mummy, let’s go now’ and she began pulling me away down the path.
This is almost as good as the real thing…