Tag: London
Family Picnic Food
We love to have picnics regularly throughout the year. There’s something magical about eating outdoors enjoying good food with family and friends, differing vistas and fresh air.
We eat picnics in the garden, at the beach, in the forest, in the park and on our balcony in the city of London. When it’s too cold to be sitting outside to eat we have been known to get a rug out and have a picnic on the floor of our apartment, with the company of our cats Louis and Mia who will nibble at any leftover cheese.
My favourite foods for simple baby and toddler family friendly picnics are:
- Boiled eggs
- Cheese sandwiches
- Tomatoes
- Avocado
- Crackers
- Potato salad
- Mixed bean salad
- Pasta salad
- Bananas
- Fruit Salad with strawberries, nectarines, blueberries, peaches, oranges
Don’t forget a large picnic rug, some picnicware and baby sun cream.
Our most recent family picnic was in the Kaitoke Regional Park. I’m linking this post up to the What I Wore Wednesday link for this week.
Sunglasses – Ted Baker
Striped T-Shirt – Dickins and Jones from House of Fraser
Green Vest – Dansk
3/4 Trousers – Board Angels
Here’s my last What I Wore Wednesday post.

Personalised Teddy Bear… 6 Months On
Imogen’s favourite toy is her personalised Teddy Bear from Stuck On You. It’s the kind of teddy bear that a baby won’t let out of their sight and there are tears if Teddy Bear is lost.
Teddy Bear has been a daily part of Imogen’s life for six months, ever since she first arrived on our doorstep in a cardboard box. I wonder if Teddy Bear realised what was in store for her when she became Imogen’s very own treasured and loved teddy bear?
Here’s what Teddy Bear didn’t know:
- If she’s not being hugged by Imogen during the night she’ll be used as a pillow
- She’ll be dropped in puddles when the excitement of puddle jumping becomes too much and holding a teddy bear limits the amount of splashing that can be achieved
- She’ll fly on a plane across the world on our journey to New Zealand and need a very good wash when we arrive in NZ
- She’ll be taken on daily walks in the pushchair to visit parks across London where she’ll play on swings, slides and seesaws
Two weeks ago Teddy Bear got a new name. Her name is now Charley, which conjures up thoughts of fun and mischievousness. I like the name Charley, it’s the perfect name for a bear who’s having one big adventure.
Charley’s been to many places, seen many things and has much exploring to do with her besotted owner.
New Zealand Summer Garden
We have a small balcony in London and it’s always crammed full with plants and flowers. Here in New Zealand we’re incredibly lucky to have a large garden to spend time in and eat alfresco.
Imogen has been playing for hours in the garden and enjoys collecting rose petals, filling buckets with soil, splashing in the paddling pool, watering the plants, jumping in puddles and digging with spades.
I adore nature, it revives my soul. Come rain or shine, wind or calm, I always feel so connected to Mother Earth when I’m surrounded by her beauty and grace.
My parent’s garden is a sanctuary of peace, vibrant colour and rustic charm. They love attracting wildlife and it abounds here. Fruit trees and vegetables grow together with a garden full of flowers, trees and New Zealand natives like the Pohutukawa.
A New Zealand summer garden is somewhere I could easily spend all day with my friends and family, catching up on life and admiring nature at it’s very best.
What do you enjoy most about a summer garden?