Tag: London
#KidsGrowWild Challenge
Despite living in central London we always find creative and versatile ways to use our green fingers. This summer we decided to grow our very own city flower garden for our balcony. We linked up with the fun #KidsGrowWild Challenge and were sent a lovely Little Pals Garden Kit.
The Little Pals Garden Kit is brightly coloured and comes with all the essentials for gardening. We received a handy gardening bag with built-in storage space for the hand trowel, hand fork, gardening gloves, watering can and sachets of flower seeds.
Imogen gets the pots ready for planting with a bag of soil and her Little Pals hand trowel.
We helped Imogen put the bright blue gardening gloves on which she loved.
With the help of Daddy the soil is added to the pots and the flower seeds are planted.
Finally Imogen carefully waters the seeds using the Little Pals watering can.
And now we patiently await the germination of the flower seeds and for little green shoots to sprout through the soil. A little sunshine will greatly help!
This post is an entry for the BritMums #KidsGrowWild Challenge.
A Visit to the Tower of London
We visited the incredible Tower of London this week. It holds such history and there’s a great sense of the importance and presence of the Tower in its prominent location by the River Thames.
Daddy and Imogen exploring by the Tower of London.
Tower Bridge opened in 1894 and is near to the Tower of London. It took eight years to build this iconic bridge that spans the Thames.
The Tower of London looking spooky with cloudy skies in the background.
Imogen has a better view up high on Daddy’s shoulders.
Taking it all in by the juxtaposition of ancient and modern buildings.
Along the River Thames
This week we ventured out along the River Thames with grey skies, wind and snow blizzards. Like everyone, we’re waiting patiently for some sunshine and warm weather which has been promised by the Met Office for the end of next week. But the cold hasn’t stopped us from enjoying our daily walks and outdoor adventures.
We met two beautiful horses from the Mounted Branch of the Metropolitan Police.
The grey skies looked spooky above us.
Viewing London City’s skyline as strong winds attempted to whisk Imogen’s hat away.