Tag: milkflow
Best Manual Breast Pump
I found the Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump with Calma Teat perfect for those times when I couldn’t breastfeed and needed to express.The Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump with Calma Teat is BPA free, lightweight and portable for when you’re out and about or travelling.
It uses a 2-phase expression technology that is alike to a baby when breastfeeding which mimics the natural sucking rhythm of the baby with short, stimulating movements followed by longer, more intensive ones to ensure an optimal milkflow.
This gives you faster let-down and maximum milkflow which significantly reduces pumping time, so you can express more milk in less time and more comfortably.
The Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump with Calma Teat is the best manual breast pump you can buy.
If you’re looking for a breast pump that’s ideal for occasional or frequent use the Medela Swing Breast Pump with Calma Teat makes expressing quick, easy and suitable for everyday.
The Medela Harmony Breast Pump won the Practical Parenting & Pregnancy Gold Award for Best Manual Breast Pump 2011 / 2012.