Tag: sunday


| November 10, 2013

Sundays are my favourite day of the week. No one is rushing off to work, we have the whole day together as a family. This morning we were playing chase in the park, which always involves intense giggling! We stopped for a breath and Daddy caught the moment.


Linking up with the lovely Mummy Daddy Me and sharing the ordinary moments.

the ordinary moments

Sunday Magic Moments

| July 8, 2013

I love Sundays. It’s our family day and time to relax and simply be together.

Imogen first thing in the morning with a very cheeky face ready for a day full of fun.

magic moments

Time for a special treat after lunch, a yummy ice cream which was eaten very carefully.

magic moments

magic moments

A tired little girl after splashing in her paddling pool, napping on Mummy and Daddy’s bed.
