Tag: trimester
The Moby Wrap
Have you heard of the fourth trimester? I hadn’t but I soon found out about it when my baby was born!
The fourth trimester refers to the time from birth to approximately 4 months old. This is the time when your newborn is very vulnerable and needs constant physical contact and attention from other human beings. The fourth trimester is about recreating the womb environment whilst your baby is adjusting from womb to world.
Here are some tips for doing this:
- Swaddling – helps to keep baby close to you and feeling secure,
the Moby Wrapcreates an environment where your baby is wrapped tightly and kept warm.
- Shushing Sounds – recreate the continual whooshing-like noise your baby heard constantly when in the womb.
- Swinging – when in utero your baby was always in a rocking motion when you moved or walked, wrapped in a Moby Wrap
your baby will be in a state of gentle swinging.
- Sucking – creates a deep calming influence on your baby, whether it’s sucking on the breast, bottle, a Pacifier
or your finger.
When held close they will be very content, thus the need for a Moby Wrapwhich makes it ever so easy to achieve that closeness and bonding that your baby is craving.
My baby would get upset and didn’t sleep well unless she was snuggled next to me or my husband in the Moby Wrap. It’s really comfortable to wear and I found I could go about the house easily whilst she slept happily, as well as using it during spring and summer to go out and about.
Another benefit of the Moby Wrapis the flexibility with the positions you can have your baby in whilst in the wrap, making it easy to breastfeed on demand.
The Moby Wrap is made from 100% soft cotton and is breathable and machine washable.