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The Best Baby Carrier

| February 11, 2012

best baby carrierI was looking forward to getting active again and shifting my post baby weight!

This baby carrier really is the best baby carrier, it gives us the freedom to go out and about comfortably and without hassle. And it’s hugely beneficial if you live in a city as it makes getting on and off public transport a breeze, not to mention fighting your way through crowded streets or busy shopping malls!

In the early days our BabyBjorn Active Baby Carrierallowed me to leave the house when our baby was still too young for a pram (newborns love to be snuggled close to Mummy or Daddy for comfort, warmth and the reassuring smell of their parents).

We bought the BabyBjorn Active Baby Carrierwhen I was still pregnant, in anticipation of our newborn baby and being able to go out and about for walks with her.

We used the BabyBjorn Active Baby Carrierdaily in the first few months, often going out more than once a day when we wanted some fresh air, or I craved a caffeine fix or my baby needed a sleep during the day.

We absolutely made the right choice with this baby carrier the BabyBjorn Active Baby Carrieris invaluable.

A gentle rocking motion is created when you walk your baby in the BabyBjorn Active Baby Carrierwhich will help to soothe your baby to sleep. I found taking my baby out in the baby carrier was one of the best ways to guarantee my baby would sleep during the day.

Once your baby is around 3 months old their neck muscles will become increasingly strong and it will enable your baby to hold their head up and move their head from side to side. The baby carrier allows your baby to face inwards or outwards. Our baby started facing outwards at around 5 months old and loved travelling in a forwards facing position and being able to see the world in front of her, and she still successfully slept in the baby carrier. I think the excitement of everything going on around her often helped to tire her out!

The BabyBjorn Active Baby Carrieris extremely comfortable to wear with your baby in as the design provides extra lower back support.

The Baby Bjorn Active Baby Carrier is Paediatritian recommended and guaranteed free from harmful substances (Oeko-tex class 1 for babies certified).

The Best Baby Weaning Products

| February 3, 2012

Beaba Babycook Duo

Beaba Babycook Duo

Weaning is such an exciting time for you and your baby. I love the idea of my baby trying foods for the first time, it opens up a brand new world of texture, smell, colour and taste.

Have fun with natural organic foods for your baby even in the early stages, everything your baby eats contributes to their health and wellbeing. I highly recommend good nutrition from the first spoonful of food your baby tastes.

The Beaba Babycook Duo Steamer and Blender will make your life a breeze when weaning your baby. It is an all-in-one Steamer, Cooker, Blender and Defroster. Saving you time and space in your kitchen!

When first weaning your baby it’s all about trying foods and getting a taste for them, getting used to solids and swallowing food rather than milk. It’s not about eating specific amounts of food as your baby will still need milk for 100% of their nutrition in the early days of weaning.

I love the Annabel Karmel Food Masher and Bowlwhich is great for mashing soft fruits and vegetables.

The bowl has inner ridges to help make mashing ever so quick and easy and the handle grip prevents slipping, as does the non-slip base on the bowl.

The Annabel Karmel Food Masher and Bowl is really convenient when you’re on the go or travelling, just pop in the soft fruit (some great fruits to try are banana, avocado, pear and peach) and cooked veg (you can try carrots, sweet potato, parsnip and swede) and you’ll have tasty and nutritious food for your baby in seconds.

Annabel Karmel’s New Complete Baby and Toddler Meal Planner

I highly recommend the book Weaning by Annabel Karmelwhich is a very handy book providing advice on what, when and how to wean, as well as including meal planners for the different stages of progression onto solids.

I frequently refer to Annabel Karmel’s New Complete Baby and Toddler Meal Planner which is bright and colourful with over 200 varied and easy recipes for purees and baby meals.

These recipes help to ensure your baby is getting the right combination of nutrients, proteins, carbs and fats. This book has certainly helped to make my life as a Mummy easier!

And when weaning you will certainly need some good bibs for your baby so we’ve selected the best baby bibs – these are truly brilliant!

Organic Babies Nappy Cream

| January 25, 2012

Nappy cream is crucial for keeping your baby’s delicate bottom area smooth and free from nappy rash, which can cause very irritated and sore skin.

I don’t use medicated creams on my baby if I don’t have to, preferring to keep my baby as chemical free as possible.

Looking for a natural alternative to medicated nappy creams, my search for the best natural nappy cream led me to Green People who produce a wonderful and gentle, highly effective Organic Babies Nappy Cream Baby Balm.

It’s 100% natural and uses organic ingredients, helping to protect the skin against dampness which can lead to nappy rash.

And if you suffer from dry skin, Organic Babies Mum and Baby Rescue Balm is perfect for healing and gentle enough for use on mother and baby.