Tag: aldeburgh
Aldeburgh Beach
We spent a day in Aldeburgh recently and made the most of the sunshine. Imogen loved sifting through the pebbles on Aldeburgh beach. A trip to the seaside is not quite the same without the mandatory bucket and spade, even if there is no sand in sight.
Mummy and Imogen desperately trying to make a sandcastle with pebbles.
Admiring the pebbles.
A fishing boat rocks from side to side surrounded by hungry seagulls.
Taking a break from pebble throwing and looking out to sea to see what we can see.
The Photo Gallery: Selfie
This week’s Photo Gallery on the Sticky Fingers blog is Selfie. This was taken today with Imogen at Aldeburgh whilst we were searching for coloured stones on the beach.
Baby Wellies
We’re relishing the rain and playing stomp stomp stomp in all the puddles with Imogen!
The bigger the puddle, the bigger the splash, the better the game.
Imogen’s shoes and socks were getting soaked with her new found love of puddle splashing.
It was time to find a pair of baby wellies! Oh my, they’re so cute!
We’re on holiday in Suffolk at the moment and found a Joules clothing store in Aldeburgh.
The wellies were disappearing fast, with children running around the shop in their new footwear.
There was one pair of baby wellies left in Imogen’s size, but they were baby boy wellies.
It’s good we’re not fussy parents, practicalities such a dry feet come first!
You wouldn’t know they were boy baby wellies.
Colours of blue, teal and white with pictures of circus elephants, monkeys, clowns and seals adorn the boots. There’s a bright yellow stripe down the back of the boot and a reflective top, perfect for safe playing in the puddles when it’s grey outside.
And it’s just started raining, more fresh puddles for this afternoon…