Tag: best baby names
Struggling to Find the Best Baby Names?
Pregnancy is a doddle when compared to finding the perfect name for your baby.
My husband and I spent months, weeks, days and hours brainstorming, debating and deliberating on names.
And the craziest thing of all was that I despised the names he liked and he wouldn’t (perhaps it was out of spite for me not liking his names) agree to any of the names I came up with.
The clock was ticking and I began to envisage us in hospital, with our new baby in our arms and a blank name tag, whilst we continued to try and reach a decision.
We desperately needed some guidance.
My husband was coming up with more and more bizarre names in an effort to be the one to find the perfect name for our baby.
I feared he was close to approaching wacky celebrity baby name status where the likes of Apple, Sage Moonblood, Ocean and Blue Angel exist.
I went straight to the bookshop for some advice and can heartily recommend 60,001 Best Baby Namesby Diane Stafford and the Penguin Dictionary of First Names
by David Pickering.
It’s not easy. The name you give your baby is the name he or she will be stuck with forever (that’s if they don’t change it by deed poll)!
They say that a name can influence the life of a person, their career and even their ability to interact successfully with others. And if you’re not feeling the strains of future parenthood yet, the pressure is on you to get it right!
And if you’re wanting to know what the most popular names are for newborn boys and girls, check out Bounty who have just announced the Most Popular Baby Names for 2011.