Tag: cats
Our Cats Louis and Mia
I simply cannot live without pets. I adore animals, especially cats. My entire life I have grown up with cats and dogs. And whilst I love dogs, our life in central London just won’t accommodate one. Don’t tell hubby, I’m waiting until we move to the country…
Our cats Louis and Mia were rescued by Celia Hammond’s Animal Trust when they were kittens after being dumped in a cardboard box. I’ve written about them here and with my earlier cats Molly and Coco. Despite Louis being larger than Mia I still sometimes get them mixed up, they’re so alike. These photos show the similarities in their mannerisms, both are absolutely divine and ever so smoochy!
Louis the boy enjoying some sunshine.
Mia the girl likes to have the bed to herself.
Louis watching reflections on the wall.
Mia pondering whether to get off the bed (or not).
This week I loved reading Charlotte’s lovely post about their new family pet Finding Our New Addition on her blog The Crumby Mummy.
Linking up with the lovely bloggers at What’s the Story? and Magic Moments.
The Photo Gallery: The Letter C
This week’s Photo Gallery theme is The Letter C. Immediately Cats came to mind, my beloved rescue cats from New Zealand and London. These cats have been a part of my life over the years and I love each one dearly for their unique and special personalities.
It all started with Molly the tortoiseshell cat, when I was a second year University student in Wellington and I found myself missing our family cats. I was renting a flat and desperate to have some feline company during those long hours of study. The local RSPCA had a large selection but it was Molly who chose me. She jumped into my arms and ran up to my neck to snuggle underneath my hair, purring loudly.
When I moved to London I missed Molly and started to look for animal rescue centres near us. There are plenty in London but it was the Celia Hammond Animal Trust that really stuck a cord with me. They work tirelessly with very little funding to help animals of all ages who are neglected or suffering.
It was here that we discovered the beautiful black and white cat, Coco. She was very small and had a face like a kitten but she was obviously an elderly cat. She had been with CHAT for over six months and looked like she really needed somewhere to call home again. We rehomed Coco and found she had the most loving and playful nature. Every morning she’d jump into the bed with us for cuddles and in the evenings it was straight onto one of our laps. Coco was always giving affection and love.
During the three precious years we spent with Coco she battled through many health issues. We discovered early on that she had congenital heart disease and she later developed a tumour. Despite her age she will always be remembered as our little kitten.
Since 2008 we’ve had the adorable duo of Mia and Louis who are delightful sleek black cats and were also rehomed from the Celia Hammond Animal Trust rescue centre.
They’ve watched Imogen grow since the day she was brought home from hospital and have become accustomed to her cries of delight each time she sees them! Last week she ‘baked’ them a plate of cakes and they enthusiastically sniffed the wooden cupcakes before them which brought such happiness to Imogen.
I love having cats around Imogen, she has learnt to be patient and kind and caring and she tells me if she thinks they’re hungry or need a drink of water. Her level of empathy for living creatures is admirable and I’m sure it’s helped by having animals in our home.
Family Picnic Food
We love to have picnics regularly throughout the year. There’s something magical about eating outdoors enjoying good food with family and friends, differing vistas and fresh air.
We eat picnics in the garden, at the beach, in the forest, in the park and on our balcony in the city of London. When it’s too cold to be sitting outside to eat we have been known to get a rug out and have a picnic on the floor of our apartment, with the company of our cats Louis and Mia who will nibble at any leftover cheese.
My favourite foods for simple baby and toddler family friendly picnics are:
- Boiled eggs
- Cheese sandwiches
- Tomatoes
- Avocado
- Crackers
- Potato salad
- Mixed bean salad
- Pasta salad
- Bananas
- Fruit Salad with strawberries, nectarines, blueberries, peaches, oranges
Don’t forget a large picnic rug, some picnicware and baby sun cream.
Our most recent family picnic was in the Kaitoke Regional Park. I’m linking this post up to the What I Wore Wednesday link for this week.
Sunglasses – Ted Baker
Striped T-Shirt – Dickins and Jones from House of Fraser
Green Vest – Dansk
3/4 Trousers – Board Angels
Here’s my last What I Wore Wednesday post.