Tag: sister


| February 20, 2013

When my sister and I were growing up our pets were from the RSPCA, animal rescue centres or we found them abandoned and needing a home. I’m so thankful our parents helped to teach us how to love and respect all living creatures. This is something hubby and I wish to pass on to Imogen who has grown up with Louis and Mia. It’s so wonderful to see she has already developed a love of animals and knowledge of how to care for them.

Molly is a short haired tortoiseshell moggy who became my very own first beloved rescue cat in 1996. She shared such a precious time with me when I was at University, sitting for hours on end whilst I read books and wrote essays. She then lovingly became part of my parent’s life when I moved from New Zealand to London in 2003.

I’ve been lucky enough to see Molly again and spend time with her during this holiday in New Zealand. I’m thrilled she and Imogen have become friends. Imogen absolutely adores Molly. Molly is now 17 years old which is a ripe old age, even for a cat.


Six weeks ago we knew something wasn’t quite right with Molly. She was drinking and urinating excessively. Given that the summer here has been nothing but hot we didn’t think anything of it until she started to slow down. We took her to the vet and after some tests she was diagnosed with diabetes. That’s the last thing we had considered. I knew little about diabetes in cats and have since discovered the symptoms are similar to humans who suffer from diabetes.

Molly now needs a high protein low carbohydrate diet to help her lose a small amount of weight and two injections of insulin each day to help regulate her blood glucose levels. After making some changes to her diet and giving the insulin twice daily she has perked up and is back to her very bonny self. She is a star.

It’s going to be so difficult to say goodbye to Molly next week, knowing her health and her age. I love her so much. She was there with me throughout my student years, she watched me grow up and she saw me take a leap of faith when I flew the nest and ventured to London. Molly, you will be forever in my heart.


The Photo Gallery: Girls

| February 14, 2013

I love my little girl. She is pure and eternal sunshine with the cheekiest grin and a loud giggle.

We play, we sing, we dance, we paint, we love, we walk, we share, we read, we have fun, we hug, we talk, we laugh, we cook, we run, we dress up, we swim, we eat, we learn, we draw, we shop, we travel, we have the same curls in our hair, we enjoy every day together.

We’ve almost come to the end of our eight week holiday visiting family and friends in New Zealand. We’ve had an amazing time and our bond has grown even stronger, if that’s at all possible. This week’s Photo Gallery is Girls and I’ve loved being able to spend time here with my little girl, my mum, my sister, my niece and some of my best girlfriends.

Girls just want to have fun, right?

Meeting Baby Amber

| January 12, 2013

To ensure the household was no longer contagious we had to wait an excruciating eight days before we could safely see my sister Alicia and meet her beautiful baby Amber.

It’s been five years since Alicia and I were last together and in that time we’ve both been pregnant and had our beautiful daughters. There’s eight months between Imogen and Amber and it’s great having them so close in age. Plus we get to share parenting dilemmas and tips!

We couldn’t believe how well Imogen and Amber got on. From the very beginning they took a shine to one another and it wasn’t long before they were giggling and sharing toys.

Baby Cousins

Imogen and Amber meet for the first time

Imogen had been talking about ‘Baby Amber’ for a long time before our journey to New Zealand and she was so excited about meeting her cousin.

Imogen and Amber 'walking' on their knees!

Imogen imitates Amber ‘walking’ on her knees

One of the most amazing thing to observe between them was how they imitated one another. Amber wanted to wear shoes because Imogen was, this had proved a struggle prior to this day with her little toes curling each time my sister tried to gently slip on some shoes. And Imogen decided she’d drink a bottle of milk, something she’s never done before as she went from being breastfed to sippy cup, but seeing Amber being given a bottle by Alicia looked new and very exciting!

Happily playing together

Baby cousins happily playing together