Personalised Teddy Bear… 6 Months On

| January 28, 2013

Imogen’s favourite toy is her personalised Teddy Bear from Stuck On You. It’s the kind of teddy bear that a baby won’t let out of their sight and there are tears if Teddy Bear is lost.

Teddy Bear has been a daily part of Imogen’s life for six months, ever since she first arrived on our doorstep in a cardboard box. I wonder if Teddy Bear realised what was in store for her when she became Imogen’s very own treasured and loved teddy bear?


Here’s what Teddy Bear didn’t know:

  • If she’s not being hugged by Imogen during the night she’ll be used as a pillow
  • She’ll be dropped in puddles when the excitement of puddle jumping becomes too much and holding a teddy bear limits the amount of splashing that can be achieved
  • She’ll fly on a plane across the world on our journey to New Zealand and need a very good wash when we arrive in NZ
  • She’ll be taken on daily walks in the pushchair to visit parks across London where she’ll play on swings, slides and seesaws

Two weeks ago Teddy Bear got a new name. Her name is now Charley, which conjures up thoughts of fun and mischievousness. I like the name Charley, it’s the perfect name for a bear who’s having one big adventure.

Charley’s been to many places, seen many things and has much exploring to do with her besotted owner.


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