RSSCategory: Family Life

Lamaze Octotunes Octopus

| May 24, 2012

We love the Lamaze Octotunes Octopus toy.

This musical toy is a large, bright yellow, smiling octopus with eight tentacles that each play a different musical note when squeezed.

The Lamaze Octotunes Octopus toy has brightly coloured tentacles in a range of colourful patterns and textures to attract the attention of babies and toddlers.

It encourages a wonderful session of imaginative play, whilst also incorporating developmental learning through touch, sound and vision.

Your baby will love playing musical tunes on the Lamaze Octotunes Octopus and it is vanilla scented for the delight of babies (and parents alike)!

Lamaze Octotunes Octopus incorporates a brightly coloured striped carry handle on its head so your child can easily hold and carry with this toy.

Imogen playing with her Lamaze Octotunes Octopus

The Lamaze Octotunes Octopus is suitable for ages 0 to 2 years.

Development of Newborn Senses

| February 27, 2012

Early Learning Activity Toys

Your baby’s development is amazing and takes place with rapid speed, but what is your baby aware of when they’re a newborn?


Newborn’s can only see things close up, about 20cms away from them. So when your baby’s being held they’ll be able to see your face, which makes this close contact a great way to bond.

Contrasting colours such as black and white are great for newborns to look at. At around 2 months your baby can distinguish colours and will enjoy mobiles.

At 6 months, new faces and objects are catching your baby’s attention and at 8 months your baby’s vision will be fully developed.


It’s no wonder babies like sweet tasting foods, milk is naturally sweet. From 3 months onwards your baby will probably try to put what they can into their mouth, and when teething starts this will heighten their desire to have a good chew on things!


Your baby listened to your voice in utero so will recognise it when they’re born and associate this with comfort. Hearing isn’t properly developed when a baby is newborn. At around 1 month old they’ll react to loud noises. Babies learn to associate certain sounds with happy events, so it’s important to make singing and music a fun and special part of the day with your baby. Music is a wonderful way to soothe your baby and develop their hearing and sense of tone.


Touch is essential for babies, kisses and cuddles make your baby feel secure. Babies love to explore with their hands and when weaning, will often squash food before eating it to understand what it feels like. Toys and books with texture really encourage play and development.


Newborns have a good sense of smell and will know your natural scent from birth. Babies find your natural scent comforting, so try not to wear any perfume or scented creams for the first few months so your baby can enjoy your natural scent. By the age of 1 your baby will be able to recognise foods by their smell.

For further baby sensory development and a great way to have fun with your baby, you can join a local Baby Sensory Class.

First Holiday with Baby in Orford

| February 21, 2012

We ventured to Orford on our first holiday with our baby when she was just 8 weeks old.

Suddenly it was no longer about throwing a few clothes into a bag, it was now about making sure we had absolutely everything we needed for our precious little one!

The car was laden full with baby gear including her baby monitor, moses basket, baby bath, activity play mat, numerous outfits of clothing to cover all eventualities of weather, Baby Bjorn Baby Carrier, breast pump, pram, Moby Wrap (we were still in the fourth trimester) and my parents!

We weren’t even going very far, staying within the confines of the UK so we could drive a reasonably short distance. Up until this point our baby had only travelled in a taxi home from the hospital.

Travelling from London to Orford near the Suffolk coast was going to take at least 2 hours. We were certain we’d need to take several breaks to ease the journey (and calm ourselves should our baby take an extreme dislike to her car seat or the car or her Daddy’s driving)!

Pump Street Bakery

Thankfully I’d remembered to include her soothing classical baby music which helped her to sleep almost the entire journey (we were shocked) and kept us relaxed during the busy drive out of London.

Orford is a stunning small town, dominated by the 12th century Orford Castle and Orford Church.

It has some of the best restaurants in the area including Ruth Watson’s Crown and Castle and the Butley Orford Oysterage.

Orford Castle

If you’re after a family friendly pub in Orford with the best fish and chips you’ll discover it at The Jolly Sailor. And for delightful lunches and afternoon teas, the Pump Street Bakery will satisfy your food desires!

Suffolk is an amazing and fairly untouched part of England.

It has a stunning coastline and some of the most beautiful inland forests suitable for walking, horse riding and cycling with plenty of walkways and bridal paths.

You can find out more about this amazing location for family holidays at Discover Suffolk.

For somewhere to stay visit Suffolk Secrets which has some of the most beautiful cottages, houses and beach huts for holidays in Suffolk. These are available for rental by the week or for a short break.