Tag: wholefoods
Vitamin D
But sometimes it can be more difficult to get the vitamins and minerals you need from food only. A good example is Vitamin D which is required by everyone for healthy bones, immune system health and the maintenance of normal muscle function.
Vitamin D can be absorbed through our skin from the sun but many people in the Northern Hemisphere struggle to maintain the required levels of Vitamin D in this way as our weather is often cloudy, we spend a lot of time indoors due to primarily working in offices and we (sensibly) use sun cream during the summer months.
As we age the body may not convert vitamin D from sunlight as easily. In this case it can be highly beneficial to take Vitamin D supplements to satisfy the increase in the recommended intake.
My husband and I are in our mid 30’s and take Vitamin D3 daily (25µg, one tablet per day) to support the healthy functioning of our immune system and bone health.
I also recommend babies over the age of 3 months have the supplement vitamin and mineral syrup Vitabiotics – WellKid Baby & Infant Liquid.Government health experts recommend that babies over the age of 6 months supplement the vitamins A, C and D. Vitabiotics – WellKid Baby & Infant Liquid also includes B and E vitamins and the minerals iron and zinc to help safeguard your growing infant’s nutritional intake and for a healthy immune system.
Babies and infants have a high nutrient requirement in relation to their body size to support their rapid physical growth and the development of healthy bones, muscles, blood and the brain.