Silent Sunday

| October 6, 2013


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Category: Photography

Comments (42)

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  1. AtoZ Mummy says:

    That’s beautiful! I want to paddle 🙂

  2. Brooke says:

    I never tire of beach photos!

  3. Amanda says:

    Beautiful, love the little wave breaking on the beach

  4. I want to go there right now!

  5. Caz Stone says:

    This makes me think I need to fit a trip to the coast into a very busy day. Is it east anglia?

  6. I can hear the gentle sound of waves even though its a photo. lovely

  7. Charly Dove says:

    Wonderful shot, love the sun on the sea 🙂

  8. HPMcQ says:

    absolutely gorgeous x

  9. Sonya Cisco says:

    So peaceful! I used to live by the sea, and now I am 8 miles away and miss seeing it daily!

    • Lydia says:

      Oh I’d love to live by the sea! 8 miles away is still so close, it must be wonderful to pop to the beach easily 🙂

  10. So beautiful. I want to be near the sea now x

  11. Neesie says:

    What a brilliant way to start the day ;D

  12. wendy says:

    this is beautiful, it would look great on a canvas xx

  13. Jaime Oliver says:

    thats beautiful x

  14. Oana79 says:

    Oh, lovely, the sun reflecting off the waves!

  15. Kim Carberry says:

    That is just beautiful…

  16. Lisa says:

    super photo 🙂

  17. Just beautiful *big sigh*

  18. looks beautiful, a walk there now would be lovely xxx

  19. Notmyyearoff says:

    Looks so calm, bet its lovely for a paddle!

  20. Gorgeous picture – love the way it shows up the light.

  21. Such a calming photo!

  22. Lovely picture.
    Wish we were back at the beach with the glorious weather we’re having!

  23. Emily says:

    Wonderful photo, it literally shines! x

  24. Colette says:

    How beautiful. My husband and I have always said that all the twinkles of the sun look like fairies 🙂 (We’re not mad honest!)

  25. Beautiful in black and white.