Silent Sunday

| November 24, 2013

silent sunday

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Category: Photography

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  1. Sweet, lovely moment captured.

  2. Amanda says:

    Not seen one of those view finders in years, so much fun. Love her curls

  3. Kizzy says:

    What beautiful hair she has, is she looking through a Kaleidescope, my kids love theirs.

  4. Sarah says:

    Is that Jamie’s, my two love it there, great idea with the viewfinders.

  5. Emma says:

    So sweet! Used to love those view finders! 🙂

  6. Oana79 says:

    Oh, one of your old toys? Candid shot.

  7. Honest Mum says:

    Go explore little lady! Fab pic x

  8. I remember these from when I was little. Lovely photo x x x

  9. Ah I loved viewfinders as a child

  10. Not seen a viewfinder for years, lovely photo x

  11. wendy says:

    lovely photo xx

  12. I remember these from my childhood.

  13. Lisa says:

    Do they still make those?! I had a Black Beauty story for mine 🙂

  14. Kim Carberry says:

    Aww! Fab photo! I had one of those viewfinders as a child….lol

  15. Great capture of her captured by the toy’s virtual world

  16. Fab photo! Haven’t seen one of those view finders for ages, looks like it’s captured her attention!

  17. LauraCYMFT says:

    Ooo I remember those!

  18. OMG old skool toys, love it!!