Silent Sunday

| November 17, 2013

silent sunday

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Category: Photography

Comments (14)

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  1. Kizzy says:

    What a lovely photo. She looks very snuggly.

  2. Lovely light, love the look of focus on her face!

  3. Charlotte says:

    Love this photo! Love the light! x

  4. MamaUndone says:

    love the flare of light above her head.

    MamaUndone | Tiaras & Prozac

  5. Love the sun streaming into the photo. She looks very cosy 🙂

  6. Love the light in this photo shining down on her x x x

  7. What a sweetie pie. 🙂

  8. Kim Carberry says:

    She looks so cosy! Lovely photo x

  9. She looks so warm and curious

  10. Oana79 says:

    Oh, lovely, intense in exploration!

  11. What a lovely natural capture!

  12. Lovely capture and gorgeous with the sun rays filtering in.