Author Archive: Lydia

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I’m Not Fat, Baby on Board

| December 16, 2011

I was lucky to be pregnant during winter, no hot sticky summer nights to contend with my already uncomfortable pregnancy insomnia. Being naturally warmer when pregnant was a blessing throughout the colder months! Although it did have its downside when it came to my daily commute.

I found travelling to and from work at rush hour in the hustle and bustle of London city and grappling for space to protect my bump from being knocked, became more difficult the larger my bump grew. Wearing a winter coat and scarf disguised my delicate situation.

Fellow tube and train travellers weren’t aware of my desperate need to sit down, to give my legs a break from the weight bearing down on them and to provide me with stability when the tube or train lurched around a corner or stopped abruptly.

My previously pregnant friends recommended I wear a badge on my coat that clearly said I was pregnant (and in the nicest possible way, could you therefore please give up your seat). They had done it and told me it worked! Secretly, I scoffed at the idea of wearing a badge. The last time I wore a badge I was 5 years old and declaring to the world it was my Birthday!

But it’s NOT a silly idea. It’s highly practical and pleasantly polite (with the bonus being you don’t need to engage in a needless conversation with a stranger as they’ll know instantly that you’re pregnant).

Vitabiotics Pregnacare Conception Tablets

| December 15, 2011

Trying for a baby is an extremely exciting and nerve wracking time.

Each month is fraught with such trepidation… is this month THE month?

Will that pregnancy test come back positive?

When we were trying to conceive, I took Vitabiotics Pregnacare Conception tablets daily to ensure my health was optimum, thus maximising my chances of becoming pregnant.

These are packed with all the nutrients you need to help support a healthy conception, including the necessary Folic Acid 400µg and are suitable for vegetarians.

And when my pregnancy test came back positive, I was over the moon with happiness!

I also felt relieved I’d already given myself and my baby the best start possible.

Super Quick Yummy Mummy Beauty

| December 14, 2011

With my new baby cradled in my arms and pressed closely against my bosom, the last thing I wanted to do was to transfer chemical-laden creams, potions and lotions onto her delicate skin.

I decided I had to go completely chemical-free and discover the joys of organic, natural skin care. I feel ethereal for making a choice that benefits myself, my baby and the environment. Green People skin care products are not tested on animals. Can it get any better than this?

Green People make everything you could wish for, at a fraction of the cost of many other skincare brands.

I highly recommend Green People skin care products which I use as part of my daily beauty regime.