RSSCategory: Travel & Holidays

Trying a New Hairstyle

| February 2, 2013

Imogen’s hair is absolutely beautiful. It’s a soft caramel colour with no particular parting, it decides to sprout in every which direction it pleases. She has gorgeous soft curls that are sometimes very curly and at other times they turn into gentle waves.

We’ve had some amazingly hot weather in New Zealand so I decided to put her up into a ponytail to give her neck the chance to feel a breeze and help cool her down.

I couldn’t be more surprised with how different Imogen looks with her hair up. It really shows her face in a different light and to me she looks so much older.

The ponytail lasted five minutes until it was yanked out with little fingers.


Trying a new hairstyle is always strange at first. I will persevere, especially in this hot weather.

The Photo Gallery: Bond

| January 30, 2013

This week’s theme for The Photo Gallery is Bond. Not as in James Bond but as in the everlasting bond that is created between family, friends and pets.

I’ve been surprised at the amazingly strong bond created between Imogen and her cousin Baby Amber and with Molly my beloved rescue cat of 17 years.

The absolute beauty of these intense bonds is that they’ve developed in only four weeks since our arrival in New Zealand.

Imogen and Amber are the best of friends. They share toys (most of the time) and enjoy holding hands and running together, splashing in the paddling pool and most of all they both adore giving one another big hugs.


Imogen is so loving and gentle of Molly despite being a toddler and wanting to share her exuberant energy. Molly has an arthritic hip which makes her very slow to move and she likes to sleep a lot. Rather than running around the garden Imogen spends a lot of time talking to Molly and giving her plenty of strokes and many kisses.

Molly Cat

My parents kindly took over the care of Molly the cat when I ventured from New Zealand to England in the summer of 2003. It was heart wrenching saying goodbye to Molly and I have been so fortunate to see her again, especially this time given she is such a ripe old age.

Dressing Up in Fairy Wings

| January 29, 2013

I simply couldn’t resist these fairy wings when I saw them. As soon as Imogen spied them it was love at first sight and she was dressing up in fairy wings with her purple wellies.

Toddlers and children have great fun dressing up and role playing. It encourages children to use their imaginations, develop vocabulary skills and build confidence.

Often your children have the most fun dressing up when they’re making use of clothes and items you already have in your home. Check your wardrobe and cupboards for:

  • towels and sheets (these make great capes)
  • a plastic colander (can become a helmet)
  • belts
  • scarves
  • shawls
  • gloves of all lengths
  • old bags
  • aprons
  • tutus
  • dance costumes
  • hats
  • glasses with the lenses removed
  • costume jewellery (make sure it’s safe for the age of your child)

There’s no end to what your toddler or child can dress up in and pretend to be so update and add new items to your child’s dressing up box as often as you like.

If you’re looking for fairy wings for your toddler to play dress up in there’s a beautiful set including a Tutu, Butterfly Wings and a Wand at John Lewis.

Fairy Wings

Fairy Wings

What does your toddler enjoy dressing up in?