Tag: autumn
Celebrate Autumn: Parks
The past week of Autumn has been incredible for super blue skies and sunshine. We’ve been out and about to our favourite parks near Canary Wharf and across the River Thames to Greenwich Park. Imogen is always armed with a bag for leaf collecting.
Showing Charley Bear the green, brown, yellow, orange, red and purple leaves.
The beautiful trees that line the road through Greenwich Park.
Running up the hill with a view of Canary Wharf skyscrapers in the distance.
Daddy spotted a worm in need of rescue on the playground floor.
Celebrate Autumn linky opens every Tuesday morning. Everyone is welcome to join.
Link up each week throughout Autumn and share what you love during this wonderful season. It could be photographs of nature, jumping in muddy puddles, seasonal recipes, autumn crafts, family fun in the outdoors, bonfire night celebrations…
1. Add the #celebrateautumn badge or a link to your new or existing post.
2. Use the Linky tool to add your post and leave a comment on the main blog post.
3. Share the love. Pop over, read and comment on other blogger’s posts.

Linking up our love of Parks with Country Kids.
Autumn Walk in the Park
Imogen loves walking to our local park with Charley Bear in the little buggy. There were plenty of autumn leaves to run through, so many you could barely see the ground.
Imogen had great fun playing in the leaves, jumping and crunching them under her feet.
Sharing our outdoor adventures and linking up with Country Kids at Coombe Mill.
Celebrate Autumn: Leaf Painting
When the big storm had passed yesterday we ventured out to play. Off to the park we went to admire the stunning colours of the leaves on the trees, armed with a paper bag for collecting some of the beautiful autumn leaves that lay on the ground.
Imogen was drawn to the rich green and yellow colours.
Back at home, Imogen couldn’t wait to paint pictures of the leaves.
We painted the leaves, stamped patterns on the paper and painted over the leaves to show the different shapes. We have some delightful new additions to Imogen’s art wall.
Celebrate Autumn linky opens every Tuesday morning. Everyone is welcome to join.
Link up each week throughout Autumn and share what you love during this wonderful season. It could be photographs of nature, jumping in muddy puddles, seasonal recipes, autumn crafts, family fun in the outdoors, carved pumpkins for Halloween…
1. Add the #celebrateautumn badge or a link to your new or existing post.
2. Use the Linky tool to add your post and leave a comment on the main blog post.
3. Share the love. Pop over, read and comment on other blogger’s posts.