Tag: magic moments

Sunday Morning

| October 7, 2013

Sunday morning is not complete without getting on the Scooter and scooting as fast as possible. This Sunday we had fun putting Peppa Pig stickers on the front of the scooter before heading out for a ride. Find out how Imogen learnt to ride her scooter.

magic moments

Visiting the local park for a climb, swing, see-saw, run around and slide.

sunday morning

Enjoying the sunshine and wearing her cool shades. Eight months ago Imogen published The Baby Style Guide to Wearing Sunglasses. She’s still following the guide!


Linking up with the lovely bloggers at What’s the Story? and Magic Moments.

Sticky Fingers Photo Gallery

Sunflowers in the Garden

| September 3, 2013

At the start of the Summer we joined the #KidsGrowWild Challenge and were sent a lovely Little Pals Garden Kit. Imogen had great fun preparing the flower pots and planting the seeds. We then waited patiently to see what would grow in our city garden.

#kidsgrowwild challenge

For the last few weeks we’ve enjoyed wild flowers and a beautiful Sunflower. With Imogen’s consistent watering and care the flowers have grown and flourished daily.

#kidsgrowwild challenge

I couldn’t resist taking some photos of our beautiful garden of flowers grown from seed.

#kidsgrowwild challenge

We have a very proud little gardener. What can we grow in our city garden this Winter?

#kidsgrowwild challenge

Joining some of my favourite linkys this week at What’s the Story? and Magic Moments.

RHS Gardening Blogs Competition

Sunday Magic Moments

| July 8, 2013

I love Sundays. It’s our family day and time to relax and simply be together.

Imogen first thing in the morning with a very cheeky face ready for a day full of fun.

magic moments

Time for a special treat after lunch, a yummy ice cream which was eaten very carefully.

magic moments

magic moments

A tired little girl after splashing in her paddling pool, napping on Mummy and Daddy’s bed.
