Silent Sunday

| March 3, 2013


Category: Photography

Comments (35)

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  1. Notmyyearoff says:

    That’s so scenic. And looks so misty too, lovely photo!

  2. PhotoMummy says:

    a day at the beach,how lovely

  3. Sonya Cisco says:

    OOh its lovely, it looks warm, I miss warm!!

  4. Kara says:

    I cannot wait for it to be warm enough for a paddle

  5. Ormeview says:

    This reminds me of Greece!

  6. Pinkoddy says:

    What a lovely photo. We had sun yesterday and immediately I thought oooh the beach.

  7. Oh how I wish I was on that beach too, looks lovely!

  8. Emma says:

    How I long for a day at the beach… Lovely picture, really like the haze in it too! 🙂

  9. wendy says:

    great photo xx

  10. Jacq says:

    Rangitoto Island? I have pictures of my kids in that exact same place!

  11. HPMcQ says:

    what a lovely hazy sunny day, can we come and join you?

  12. Sarah Reid says:

    Looks like a lovely day x

  13. Mammasaurus says:

    We live near a beach – alas it’s not sunny here today! Lovely photo!

  14. Beach days are definitely the best, whether you get in the sea or not! 🙂 x

  15. My Two Mums says:

    Gorgeous shot. Wish I were somewhere warm right now.

  16. Sarahmumof3 says:

    what a beautiful photo, the mist gives it such a great feel

  17. Keep looking at this picture and thinking I want to be there!

  18. It makes me ache for the Summer! Is that mist or heat haze?

  19. Countryidyll says:

    Oh, how idyllic, wish I could be there now. We need more sun here to make us all feel better.

  20. Stacey says:

    Oh how I wish I was there right now. Coming from someone who hates hot weather, it’s definitely saying something!

  21. Woo, that’s so lovely, I wish I was there.

  22. Rach J says:

    Beautiful pic! I’d love to visit NZ…

  23. Jaime Oliver says:

    Beautiful picture 🙂

  24. PhotoPuddle says:

    Sigh, would love to be somewhere like that right now.

  25. Looks wonderful 🙂 wish I was there now…

  26. Mrs Teepot says:

    looks like lovely weather there!

  27. Erica says:

    That’s a lovely shot – one for the wall