Silent Sunday

| March 10, 2013

silent sunday

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Category: Photography

Comments (19)

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  1. Kara says:

    Beautiful cat – he’s perfected the death stare well!!

  2. PhotoMummy says:

    He’s handome

  3. Countryidyll says:

    Lovely black cat, who wants to be the centre of attention, for a change.

  4. Kelly Wiffin says:

    Those eyes! Nice cat!

  5. Jaime Oliver says:

    love this, he is obviously guarding his little one lol

  6. @babberblog says:

    I love it, looks like the cat was a last minute interloper on a shot of the toddler!

  7. Great shot, nothing like a little relaxing time! Happy Mother’s Day! 🙂 x

  8. Cats have such knowing eyes, lovely close up shot.

  9. it looks like the cat is saying no photos today!

  10. Pinkoddy says:

    If my little one was that close to a cat he’d have to be touching it lol. Great shot.

  11. maren anita says:

    wonderful pictures here. i like your blog.
    wish you a fantastic day.
    maren anita