The Photo Gallery: Red

| March 20, 2013

This week’s Photo Gallery theme on Tara Cain’s blog Sticky Fingers is Red. Friday 15 March was Red Nose Day and so far over an amazing £75 million has been raised in aid of transforming lives across the UK and Africa. Well done everyone who took part!

I’m a big fan of the colour Red. Here are some of my favourite photos taken this year.

Imogen playing in her Grandparent’s garden in New Zealand.

Imogen and cousin Amber with their red table and chairs.

Native Pohutukawa growing in my parent’s garden in New Zealand.


The Cable Car in Wellington City takes you up to the beautiful Botanical Garden.

Wellington Cable Car

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Comments (16)

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  1. Lesley Ann says:

    Wow, that flower (tree? Bush?) is so vibrant! It’s beautiful.

  2. Mrs Darling says:

    Beautiful photos, what gorgeous girlies!:)

  3. A great selection of images x

  4. Kelly Wiffin says:

    Lovely photos! Imogen is beautiful!

  5. playspotter says:

    What a great selection of photos – Imogen is just gorgeous in that first one!

  6. The little chairs and table in the garden is lovely, hopefully the weather will be nicer soon for us to enjoy the outdoors too x

    • Lydia says:

      Yes, come on Spring! Everyday since we’ve been back in the UK Imogen has asked ‘Where’s the sun gone Mummy?’ x

  7. wendy says:

    aww such beautiful photos xx

  8. LauraCYMFT says:

    Lovely pictures but the first one is just beautiful!

  9. Fantastic collection of photos, that shot of the cable car is stunning, what a view!

  10. Mammasaurus says:

    Lovely shots – and that cable car makes me want to go travelling!

  11. HelpfulMum says:

    Gorgeous pictures and the cable car looks ace!