Silent Sunday

| April 14, 2013

Silent Sunday


Category: Photography

Comments (14)

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  1. Sonya Cisco says:

    hope you didn’t get locked up!

  2. Great picture, at its best on a grey broody day!

  3. sarahmumof3 says:

    what a great stone castle! where are you?

  4. Sarah says:

    Fabulous and nice to see that blue sky too!

  5. A very foreboding site!

  6. lovely pic, I love the Tower of London, all that history fascinates me

  7. Jaime Oliver says:

    great picture 🙂

  8. notmyyearoff says:

    Ooh loved visiting Tower of London!

  9. Linz says:

    Love the Tower, just imagine how many people have had their heads chopped off there!

  10. Fran says:

    Love the colours in this. Pale and interesting right>

  11. The Mum with the Silk Scarf says:

    Beautiful picture, I love old buildings so much history and lots jewels kept there!

  12. My Two Mums says:

    Love old buildings and tourist spots in London.