Playtime at the Park

| November 23, 2013

This week we’ve admired the beautiful colours of the leaves on the trees in the park.


Imogen’s new winter coat is keeping her warm and cosy in the colder weather. She loves to climb up high and balance along the wooden beam at the playground.

verbaudet winter coat

One of our favourite parks in East London is near Wapping by the River Thames. It has a large grass area perfect for running around and kicking a ball in.


Linking up with the lovely Mummy Daddy Me and sharing the ordinary moments.

the ordinary moments

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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  1. Beautiful leaves, and Imogen looks super cosy in her new coat 🙂 #CountryKids

  2. Kizzy says:

    Looks like a great park

  3. LauraCYMFT says:

    Love that first photo of the tree! It’s gorgeous. I love the park in Autumn.

  4. I love the red leaves on the trees. #CountryKids

  5. That is a lovely park. Glad her new coat is keeping her nice and warm. The temperature has certainly dropped these days!

  6. Pinkoddy says:

    That looks a lovely warm coat and a beautiful park.

  7. expatmammy says:

    The colours are beautiful I sometimes do miss the autumn/winter

  8. Laura says:

    This park looks lovely and so pretty with all the fallen leaves. This is why I love London so much even though I don’t live there (wish we did) is that is has some many wonderful parks. Your little one is growing so much and that new winter coat is too cute 🙂

    Laura x

  9. Imogen’s coat looks very stylish and cosy. The photo of the golden tree is lovely, as is the photos of Imogen having fun in the park. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  10. Carie says:

    It looks gorgeous, and such a lovely day too – it feels like the sun is a bit of a distant memory around here!

  11. sarah says:

    beautiful shots!!

  12. Looks like a lovely space to explore and run around in- that tree is gorgeous. We love bundling up in warm clothes and coats and going for autumn walks. X

  13. Looks like you had a lovely time at the park. Great pictures! Laura x