Tag: family


| March 3, 2013

We’ve had the most incredible and memorable time with Gran and Pa in New Zealand and enjoyed playtime in the park, picnics, eating ice cream, swimming in the pool, Wellington Botanical Garden, dressing up in fairy wings, days out in Wellington, splashing in the paddling pool, Birthday celebrations, walking in the bush, visits to Te Papa Museum, watering the garden and discovering wildlife, looking after Molly, eating outside, playing with Play Doh, seeing family and friends, playing in the garden, swimming in the sea, reading stories, paddling in rivers and days filled with fun, kisses and cuddles.

We returned home to London last night and Imogen is dearly missing her grandparents in New Zealand. Everyone we met on our journey home heard all about Gran and Pa, Imogen simply won’t stop talking about them. Daddy’s listening to stories of the adventures they had.

The distance between us makes it difficult to see one another regularly. As hard as it is being so far apart we have to look on the bright side and we’re already planning our next reunion.





Wellington City

| February 28, 2013

I adore New Zealand’s capital city. Wellington was my hometown for nine very happy years. The memories it holds for me are etched all over the city. I spent several years studying at Victoria University and then worked in the capital for four years before moving to London.

Things I love most about Wellington:

The beautiful globe-like sculpture of silver ferns hangs over Civic Square.


Looking down one of Wellington’s main streets, Lambton Quay.

Wellington City

Wellington City

The amazing Parliamentary Building known as The Beehive. The Executive Wing of parliament has been named The Beehive due to its shape. It’s here that the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers have offices and this is where the Cabinet meets.

The Beehive

Reflecting on the Year Gone By

| February 22, 2013

Tomorrow I’ll be turning 30 something! I always find myself reflecting on the eve of my Birthday, looking back over the year and reviewing all that has been.

The past year has certainly had it’s fair share of ups and downs as life has thrown work, health and various other challenges at us which have been hard to deal with at times.

Some of these challenges are still with us and are completely out of our control. It’s these that I find the hardest to manage as we don’t have the ability to change things. But despite everything, we always strive to make the most of every day and to love and appreciate what we have in life.

Some of the memorable events since my last Birthday:

  • My beautiful baby stopped breastfeeding
  • I went back to work… and later decided it was too soon to be away from my baby
  • Imogen started walking
  • We visited our renovation project in France and continued to dream of our future
  • Imogen and I travelled to New Zealand to spend time with family and friends
  • I’ve learnt more about parenting than I ever imagined was possible!
  • Imogen started talking
  • I treasure how much I love being a Mummy

My wonderful friends and family are always so supportive and I’m forever thankful for them. Here’s to a brilliant year ahead, living life to the full and enjoying every day.


Enjoying a pre-Birthday drink in Wellington