Owl Lover 2013 Calendar

| October 23, 2012

Owl Lover 2013 CalendarI stumbled across this beautiful Owl Lover 2013 Calendar when I was reading the inspiring blog by Oana Befort this morning.

Oana Befort has contributed her Owl art work for this project.

The idea and author behind the calendar is Shivani of My Owl Barn and is for all Owl Lovers and admirers of amazing art.

There are over 40 Owl pictures to choose from and you can personalise the calendar by selecting which picture you want for each month of the year.

This calendar will look lovely in a nursery or child’s bedroom and children will really enjoy selecting their favourite Owl pictures to make their own calendar.

I’ve had fun choosing and printing a selection of Owls and will be hanging the Owl Lover 2013 Calendar in Imogen’s bedroom so we can enjoy looking at the Owls. She adores Owls and says ‘coo coo’ every time she sees a picture of one!

Discover for yourself the stunning art work and download your free Owl Lover 2013 Calendar.

If you’re pressed for time here’s a pre-made Owl Lover 2013 Calendar.

This calendar makes a great gift for friends and family this Christmas.

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