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Wellington City

| February 28, 2013

I adore New Zealand’s capital city. Wellington was my hometown for nine very happy years. The memories it holds for me are etched all over the city. I spent several years studying at Victoria University and then worked in the capital for four years before moving to London.

Things I love most about Wellington:

The beautiful globe-like sculpture of silver ferns hangs over Civic Square.


Looking down one of Wellington’s main streets, Lambton Quay.

Wellington City

Wellington City

The amazing Parliamentary Building known as The Beehive. The Executive Wing of parliament has been named The Beehive due to its shape. It’s here that the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers have offices and this is where the Cabinet meets.

The Beehive

Playing with Play Doh

| February 27, 2013

Imogen had lots of fun playing with Play Doh for the first time whilst we were on holiday in New Zealand. It was great being able to sit outside and play with it in the garden.

Play Doh

Squeezing pink and orange Play Doh for the first time felt very strange but it only took a few seconds and Imogen was right in there with her Play Doh shape cutters and tools!

Play Doh

Imogen loved the experience of Play Doh and the two pots lasted us until the last week of our holiday when they were taken into the paddling pool for a refreshing swim!

Play Doh

Growing in the Garden

| February 26, 2013

Our New Zealand summer garden has been a haven of fun and activity over the last two months. We’ve had the most glorious weather and have eaten outside almost every day.

There’s still brilliant sunshine forecast for New Zealand but the mornings and evenings have started to have the feeling that summer is passing. We travel back to London in a few days we’ll miss playing in the outside garden, watching all the creatures that live here, splish splash sploshing in the paddling pool and helping to water the flowers and vegetables.

We found green and golden bell frogs with beautiful markings in the tomato plants, on the runner beans and in the patch of strawberries in my parent’s garden.


Green and Gold Bell Frog

A pumpkin growing organically from the compost heap.


The beautiful New Zealand native Pohutukawa tree.

pohutukawa tree