RSSCategory: Travel & Holidays

Benodet Brittany

| May 8, 2013

Whilst we were staying in the idyllic Frenchberry Kistinic Gatehouse near Quimper we took the opportunity to visit the coastal town of Benodet.

Benodet is located in Finistere in southwest Brittany and is less than a 30 minute drive from Quimper. This truly beautiful seaside resort is perfect for families and I thoroughly recommend a visit if you are in this region of Brittany.

The beach is pristine with crystal clear water and the sea is dotted with boats.


The shallow and calm water is great for children who want to swim in the sea.


Imogen loved the sunshine and playing in the sand and water.


Mummy and Daddy helped to build sandcastles.


Breton architecture adorns the coast with houses benefiting from the sea view.


Family Life

| May 7, 2013

The last few weeks have been extremely busy in our household. Aside from the usual business of general family life we’ve had some big decisions to make which affect us all.

A couple of weeks ago I made the decision to return to work part-time which is something I’m really looking forward to. It will be great to be back in the office working on projects again. Hubby and I have been researching and visiting nurseries to find one we’re happy with. We’ve settled on a nursery close to home which has great facilities for children and a wonderful environment.

Imogen is almost back to full health after more than a week of gastroenteritis which saw her with a very high fever for several days, vomiting, diarrhoea and mild dehydration.

The gastroenteritis struck the day we arrived in Brittany for our holiday, which was horribly too similar to our journey to New Zealand in January. Hubby had a couple of days of feeling under the weather and I was lucky to escape any ill effects. Thankfully we’re now getting out and exploring the beautiful countryside and coastline in Brittany.

A much happier little girl now she is better and out enjoying the great outdoors.

There is something about Brittany which continually draws us back. The beautiful view from our garden at Lostmarc’h near Crozon in Finistere.


Natural History Museum

| March 18, 2013

We went to the Natural History Museum last week in South Kensington, London. Hubby and I thought it would be a fun day out for us all on Imogen’s 2nd Birthday and the museum certainly didn’t disappoint a two year old who loves animals!

We highly recommend the Museum as an educational and fun family day out in London.

Imogen had her first journey on the London Underground Tube from Tower Hill to South Kensington. As a city girl born and bred she climbed into her seat and waited to go.

London Underground Tube

Imogen loved showing Mummy and Daddy the animals in the museum. There was plenty of finger pointing as Imogen went around and highlighted the incredible animals she saw.

Natural History Museum

The Dinosaur exhibition was very exciting with several moving replicas of dinosaurs including a T.rex. After closing her eyes initially when she saw the T.rex she then warmed to it when we named it ‘Mummy Dinosaur’ and she asked to see it again!

Natural History Museum


The amazing display of large Mammals includes a Blue Whale, the largest creature ever.

Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum

Inside the Creepy Crawlies exhibition we found spiders, beetles, crabs, butterflies, scorpions and many other species. And there were some extra big specimens!

Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum building is a work of art with stunning architecture inside and out. The building was completed in 1880 and the museum first opened in 1881. The Museum is open every day from 10am but is closed from 24 to 26 December.

Natural History Museum