Tag: breastfeeding

Reflecting on the Year Gone By

| February 22, 2013

Tomorrow I’ll be turning 30 something! I always find myself reflecting on the eve of my Birthday, looking back over the year and reviewing all that has been.

The past year has certainly had it’s fair share of ups and downs as life has thrown work, health and various other challenges at us which have been hard to deal with at times.

Some of these challenges are still with us and are completely out of our control. It’s these that I find the hardest to manage as we don’t have the ability to change things. But despite everything, we always strive to make the most of every day and to love and appreciate what we have in life.

Some of the memorable events since my last Birthday:

  • My beautiful baby stopped breastfeeding
  • I went back to work… and later decided it was too soon to be away from my baby
  • Imogen started walking
  • We visited our renovation project in France and continued to dream of our future
  • Imogen and I travelled to New Zealand to spend time with family and friends
  • I’ve learnt more about parenting than I ever imagined was possible!
  • Imogen started talking
  • I treasure how much I love being a Mummy

My wonderful friends and family are always so supportive and I’m forever thankful for them. Here’s to a brilliant year ahead, living life to the full and enjoying every day.


Enjoying a pre-Birthday drink in Wellington

Breastfeeding and Calories

| October 30, 2012

Waitrose Fairtrade Organic Bananas

One of the great advantages of breastfeeding is that it burns calories.

Breastfeeding Mums will burn up to 500 calories a day just from providing their babies with the best start in life.

Breastfeeding and eating a diet rich in nutritious foods have been the best things for my post pregnancy weight loss.

When you’re breastfeeding you spend a lot of time sitting, hopefully with your feet up, so it’s important to get outside everyday for your mental health and enjoy a leisurely walk with baby.

I was quite often ravenous when I was breastfeeding. I breastfed on demand so it was essential I ate small snacks and meals throughout the day to keep my energy levels up, to ensure optimal amounts of breast milk production and to maintain my blood sugar levels.

Because you’re burning so many calories when you breastfeed you’ll need to consume around 300 to 500 more calories per day when you’re breastfeeding to ensure proper milk production and to keep up with the demands of your body.

Whatever you eat as a breastfeeding Mum will pass directly into your breast milk and into baby who consumes your breast milk so avoiding additives, contaminants and highly processed foods is essential.

For the health of Mum and Baby, I always recommend you eat organic foods.

Breastfeeding Mums should eat healthy and nutritious foods that will provide you with sustained energy release to keep you going and regulate your blood sugar levels. This also helps to maintain your mood as blood sugar spikes and lows can leave you feeling up and down.

Some of my favourite foods to eat for energy when breastfeeding:

  • Organic Bananas – rich in potassium and low in sodium, a quick and healthy snack with calming properties.
  • Organic Apples make a perfect snack. Highly nutritious and a good source of vitamins A and B1 as well as being rich in minerals. High in fibre to help cleanse your system and to keep you regular. It’s best to eat only Organic Apples here’s why.
  • Organic Free Range Eggs Scrambled on toasted Rye Bread – a quick and healthy way to eat protein. Eggs are low in fat and provide balanced nutrition, being rich in B vitamins and many minerals.

What are your favourite foods for energy when breastfeeding?

Benefits of Breastfeeding

| October 28, 2012

No doubt you will have heard Breast is Best.

Despite this there’s still a lot of debate when it comes to feeding and what’s best for your baby.

Exclusive breastfeeding, mixed feeding with breast milk and formula or exclusive formula feeding?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) published a statement in January 2011 indicating findings show exclusive breastfeeding up to the age of 6 months is best for babies, as it helps to achieve optimal growth, development and health.

This statement on breastfeeding by the WHO is for all babies, not just babies in developing countries.

My thoughts are that if you can breastfeed and if you want to breastfeed then it’s best for Mum and baby to breastfeed. Nutritionally, emotionally and physiologically.

Here are just some of the Benefits of Breastfeeding

  • The fat in breast milk is more digestible for babies, compared with cow’s milk, so there’s a greater absorption of fat-soluble vitamins into baby’s bloodstream.
  • The hormones in breast milk promote baby’s growth.
  • Breastfeeding will give your baby the best start and allow them to grow and develop at optimal levels.
  • Breastfeeding decreases the risk of your baby developing infections as Mum’s breast milk provides antibodies for her baby.
  • Breastfeeding can help to reduce Mum’s risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Breastfeeding is the best way to burn calories, and you get to sit down and put your feet up at the same time!
  • Breastfeeding gives Mum and baby regular skin-to-skin contact which nurtures bonding and provides great emotional benefits.
  • There’s a reduced risk of breastfed babies developing childhood diabetes.
  • Breast milk provides baby with protection against allergies, eczema and asthma.

What are your thoughts on the benefits of breastfeeding?